Katiebird’s Favorite Books for 2016

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When I reviewed all of the books that I read this past year, I read way more than I thought I had. Some of my favorite authors made the list of course, but there are some new and surprising ones on there as well!

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Katiebird’s Mid-year Favorites

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OMG! Where has this year gone? Here we are at the end of July and I am thinking I need to look back at what I’ve been reading. Here are my favorites reads so far….

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Books You Should Read this Summer!

There are some great books coming out this summer that I am so excited about, I want to share them with you! Make sure to add them to your TBR lists…

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Katiebird Reviews The Collectors’ Society series by Heather Lyons

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From the author of the Fate series and The Deep End of the Sea comes a fantastical romantic adventure that has Alice tumbling down the strangest rabbit hole yet.

After years in Wonderland, Alice has returned to England as an adult, desperate to reclaim sanity and control over her life. An enigmatic gentleman with an intriguing job offer too tempting to resist changes her plans for a calm existence, though. Soon, she’s whisked to New York and initiated into the Collectors’ Society, a secret organization whose members confirm that famous stories are anything but straightforward and that what she knows about the world is only a fraction of the truth.

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Excerpt and Giveaway!! The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons Release Blitz!

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What if all the legends you’ve learned were wrong?

Brutally attacked by one god and unfairly cursed by another she faithfully served, Medusa has spent the last two thousand years living out her punishment on an enchanted isle in the Aegean Sea. A far cry from the monster legends depict, she’s spent her time educating herself, gardening, and desperately trying to frighten away adventure seekers who occasionally end up, much to her dismay, as statues when they manage to catch her off guard. As time marches on without her, Medusa wishes for nothing more than to be given a second chance at a life stolen away at far too young an age.

But then comes a day when Hermes, one of the few friends she still has and the only deity she trusts, petitions the rest of the gods and goddesses to reverse the curse. Thus begins a journey toward healing and redemption, of reclaiming a life after tragedy, and of just how powerful friendship and love can be—because sometimes, you have to sink in the deep end of the sea before you can rise back up again.

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