Elena and Tamie review: Utterly Loved by Kat Bastion

Utterly Loved cover

Foreword by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Sylvain Reynard. In Utterly Loved, award-winning paranormal romance writer Kat Bastion shares her poetry with the world for charity. Heartfelt poems, rich in passion and rooted in nature, transport us to misty forests and sandy beaches. What began as a private collection of poetic love letters to her husband for their twentieth anniversary, evolved into a book of poems and quotes they decided to share. Proceeds of Utterly Loved, after costs and taxes, will go directly to selected charities. They will feel Utterly Loved. Visit her website http://www.katbastion.com and her blog http://www.talktotheshoe.com for a list of charities and updates.

Nothing says LOVE better than…

It’s been an absolute lovefest here at Bookish Temptations this week. I’ve swooned, sighed, thudded, tingled, and maybe even cried just a little…good tears tho, and from all ur comments you did too.

A very heartfelt thank you and many hugs to all the authors who so graciously contributed to our first ever Valentines Week.

I’ve saved one last surprise for all of you…I asked each of the authors to send me their favorite love quote, poem or passage…so here u go…

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