Fan Fiction Friday: What Michelle has been reading lately…

Yay!! It’s Friday and that means Fan Fiction here at BT! Michelle is back from Nashville and wants to share what she’s been reading lately. Her inbox has exploded with updates, so let’s check out her recs.

I always love when Michelle gets excited about what she’s reading…

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FanFic Friday: Young Pilgrims, Malice and Hockeywards Galore

Happy Friday Fic lovers! Michelle and I have a few stories to share with you so let’s get right to it. I’m up first with a stunning short story.

Young Pilgrims by ineedyoursway

No banner but I pictured Edward a lil like this... *weeps*

No banner but I pictured Edward a lil like this… *weeps*

Author summary: Bella lives a life without passion. Passion is the only thing Edward has.

Young Pilgrims is an AH complete short story told in a poetic style from Bella’s POV. I found this older gem while fic diving; it was one of those cases of “I’ll just check out the first chapter” and then looking up hours later and feeling like you’ve seen a really good movie. I could not stop reading. I loved the style, the intensity, the quiet, sarcastic humour and the angsty mystery of figuring out who this Edward was.

Read lots more after the jump!

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