FanFic Friday: Save a horse; ride a Cowboyward!

Welcome back and happy Friday! Miss Annie has taken the bull by the horns…. *giggles* I mean, Annie’s herding us today… *bites fist* I’ll stop now and let Annie get on with it! 🙂

“Give me land, lots of land and the starry skies above. Don’t fence me in.”**

790dedfdda854087cb123bb4ab8cf6c3It all started with an impulse-buy, clearance cowboy romance novel at the grocery store checkout. Since then I have been on a quest for the perfect cowboy romance. When I say “cowboy” I don’t mean a salesman at the sports bar wearing a giant belt buckle and a Garth Brooks shirt (no offense Garth). No, sir. I mean a M-A-N who gets dirty and sweaty riding a horse, with rough hands and strong thighs. [Deb: *blacks out*] Oooh yeaaah, howdy pardner!

Today we’ll start with Michelle who has some mighty fine cowboys for us.

Ride ’em cowgirl, after the jump!

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